OTAs: Unlock Competitive
Hotel Pricing Strategies
Maximize Revenue and Boost Market
share with Our Comprehensive Rate
Parity Solution
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Channels (Including POS)
Meta Channels Shopped (Including POS)
Mobile Apps Mapped
3.2 Mn
Unique Hotels shopped

The Ultimate Benefits for OTAs

Quality Score
Get the quality score for your data points to ascertain how much you can depend on it for decision making.

Real-time Delivery
As soon as the data request is made, the reports are delivered for the period in real-time.

Hotel Mapping Flexibility
No extra setup is required for mapping various Hotels. You can always pick and choose different ones.

Catch Outlier
The wrong data is never delivered to customers, our QA process purges that from system.

Multilingual Alerts
Get automated alerts for disparity and rate violations in your selected language.

Data-driven Decision Making
Make your pricing decisions based on the reliable and real-time data.