European Travel and Hospitality Experts on The Panel
James Blackmore
Senior Global Proposition Manager – Hospitality
Michael Ros
CEO / Co-Founder
Christiane Sieveking
Associate Vice President – Sales
European tourism growth is expected to remain below 2019 levels until 2023 and with the region now experiencing a second wave, every travel professional is looking for leveraging insights from leaders and industry experts re-strategize, re-orient and overcome the setback and plan ahead.
We at RateGain understand the importance of data based actionable insights that give an accurate picture of the market. With such volatile market conditions access to rate intelligence can help travel companies optimize their pricing strategy faster, monitor competition and monitor what matters.
Join to hear European Travel and Hospitality Experts Discuss:
- Why monitoring rates is no longer optional for travel companies in the new normal?
- Back to the Future – What does the new normal hold for European Travel Companies
- Monitoring What Matters – Introducing Parity Watch Tower
- Advise for travel companies to revive business and re-generate traveler confidence
- How to monitor & prepare for upcoming holidays and summer 2021?
Staycations are Here to Stay As Guests Start Holiday Planning
We are now moving closer to the Holiday season, and with parts of Europe going back in lockdown, hotels are not witnessing a high volume of Year-end travel chatter on social media. However, an encouraging trend for hotels is a 4x increase in chatter on staycations, giving hope that guests would be booking longer stays during the holiday season, a trend that we are already seeing in our bookings data. Get more trends at our ‘We believe in travel’ page.