Harmeet Singh
Robin Sheppard
Bespoke Hotels
The businesses around the world have been hit hard by the unprecedented impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The European Region is no exception. The Travel & Hospitality industry is transiting from a Lockdown to Unlock Phase. As the market cautiously plans to open up, hoteliers must prepare themselves for growth and earning traveler’s trust.
Join Robin Sheppard, President, Bespoke Hotels, and Harmeet Singh, CEO, RateGain as they discuss how hoteliers can re-orient and re-strategize their business for a #BetterTomorrow. This fireside chat focuses on:
  • The European landscape and the roadway to recovery
  • The importance of personalized experience in driving demand
  • Role of technology in the market recovery
  • The revenue management strategy to balance the price-demand conundrum
  • The importance of appropriate distribution mix
  • The checklist while creating communication for social media

We have been able to increase our clicks by 100% compared to the previous year – and we are especially pleased about the increasing direct bookings on our homepage.

Tobias Baumann
Director Sales & Marketing
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