What to Expect:

HEDNA is a global community of hospitality professionals, technology providers, educators, and consultants passionate about elevating the role of distribution. Through their global conferences they are helping businesses leverage influence, collaborate, and network to unlock new technologies to gauge the impact of today’s trends, and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.

The HEDNA Global Distribution Conference will be held in Seattle starting on 23rd January. It is a 3-day event organized by HEDNA where industry leaders are coming together to discuss the latest trends in distribution and payments as we face the future together.

RateGain is a platinum sponsor at the event, and we will be excited to meet other industry folks to discover, explore and experience the trends and strategies shaping the future of the Industry. As our industry is focusing more on ROI, RateGain is looking forward to provide the right technology stack to track, optimize, and engage on every revenue opportunity available.

We have been able to increase our clicks by 100% compared to the previous year – and we are especially pleased about the increasing direct bookings on our homepage.

Tobias Baumann
Director Sales & Marketing
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