Maximize Revenue with Travel Package Price Management System

Most accurate price recommendation at a package level
Integrating Historical and SNEW Data
Simple and Intuitive UI with Analytical Dashboard and configurable user inputs

The success of a tour operator and package provider is not only driven by selling seats or booking rooms. The actual success of a package provider is determined by multiple factors including but not limited to, weather, events, any news or trend that could impact the traveller experience. To accurately predict and optimize your pricing function it is imperative to have intelligence of how these factors impact your demand as well as your pricing using a travel package pricing software.

Granular Forecast at every price point

Crafted specifically for package providers, the forecasting engine takes into account every little detail that your team needs for forecasting accurately.

Integrating Historical Performance with SNEW Data

We make our forecasts powerful by using past booking data stored in our data lake and assess the impact of weather, news, social and events on future bookings to give you a holistic view of what the future looks like.

Simple and Intuitive UI

We have made sure to keep all the complex engineering behind our easy to use simple and intuitive UI , To make it easy for your team to act on the recommendations and track any changes across all price points
Customer Speak
Digital Data Lake Enabled
Packages Rate Recommendation
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Some Package Providers That Rely On Us

We have been able to increase our clicks by 100% compared to the previous year – and we are especially pleased about the increasing direct bookings on our homepage.

Tobias Baumann
Director Sales & Marketing
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